Pills for everyone
- – What we want to do and what we actually do are often two different things. This statement is the basis for many of the tools and techniques developed in neuromarketing over the years.
- – A brand positions itself in the market according to its behavior, just as we classify people based on how they behave or, more accurately, how we perceive they behave.
- – Thanks to neuromarketing studies in shopping environments, we can identify, for example, if a significant number of people pick up a product without putting it in their cart, or if they end up leaving it in different spots around the store.
- – Visual perception has many uses, but it is emotional association and emotional perception that build experiences and life in environments.
- – Only by knowing what truly interests a visitor can we offer a memorable experience during their visit to a town or tourist resource.
- – Provoking a smile in a customer, in a potential buyer, increases the likelihood of purchase.
- – Our sensations are strongly influenced by external factors, to the point where these factors can alter them.