Neuroscience and architecture at the service of education. INTEDU
Does the physical environment, the architecture of classrooms, conditionate the children’s learning in schools? This question is already being answered with objective data thanks to the INTEDU project which links technology, interior design and neuroscience. The aim/goal is to design spaces that contribute to creating physically and mentally healthy citizens for the future.
This project is being carried out in the Josep Brugutal Secondary School, in Banyoles, Girona. There, in a first phase and using AI and no invasive technologies from Goli Neuromarketing, the behaviour and neuro physiological reactions of teenagers have been measured in two classrooms. Based on these data a series of indicators have been established that constitute the methodological framework from a multiple perspective: neurophysiological, functional, behavioural and experimental needs. These have been used to identify the physical-environmental parameters that shape the interior design or the educational space in relation to the physical-emotional well-being of the students and teachers, in consistency with the pedagogical objectives previously established and the design challenges identified.
Once the specific needs were identified, the classrooms were equipped with the furniture and acoustic absorption, creating a new learning atmosphere, which is part of the second phase of the analysis.
Thanks to this study, relations between the perception, emotional response and behaviour of teenagers will be established in relation to the design attributes of a learning atmosphere and its role in achieving the pedagogical objectives set by the school.
NTEDU is a project led by AMBIT cluster, the cluster of the contract-hospitality sector, and in collaboration with KID´S CLUSTER, the cluster of the products and services for the children, Mobles Grau, Absotec, Goli Neuromarketing, Eduxarxa, Elisava and Ana Mombriedo, and funded by the Innovative Business Association Programme (AEI) of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.