Extraordinary Projects

We carry out unique projects for unique companies and institutions that, like us, work courageously in the present while looking towards the future.

Pure theater: Beyond emotion

Theater is emotion: both on stage and among the audience. The emotional connection that forms between these two sides is essential for the successful development of the play, as well …

Purity of emotion. Transfer of the Christ of Mena

Anticipation upon arrival, jubilation at its departure, delight in its entrance. These are the predominant emotions in some of the moments experienced during the transfer of the Holy Christ of …

Towards the real Smart City

Tourism is one of the driving forces of our economy. For years, professionals in the tourism sector and in all those sectors directly or indirectly involved in it have worked …

What you don’t know, and can find out, about your event

Organizing events such as forums or congresses is a challenging task that generally requires a lot of time. To do so, a team of people is needed who are committed …

Neuroscience and architecture serving education

When we think of a classroom in a school or educational institution, the image that comes to mind is often the same: rows of desks and chairs for students arranged …

VISIONA: Analyzing data, improving experiences

Going to a restaurant is more than just enjoying its cuisine. Diners seek a complete experience that satisfies them in multiple ways. Therefore, feeling comfortable, well attended to, and in …