Success Stories

We design unique projects to improve people’s lives. Thanks to constant innovation and relentless learning, we carry out projects that serve as an example in the study of human behavior.

Look Here

Neuromarketing at El Cuartel’s 20th Anniversary Exhibition What did we do? To celebrate its 20th anniversary, El Cuartel Creativo organized the exhibition “Look Here: la libertad de mirar no existe”. …

Sábados Cruzcamperos

AI-Powered emotion analysis during beer tastings What did we do? We used artificial intelligence to measure the emotions of attendees during beer tastings at Factoría Cruzcampo. How did we do …

Emotions and beach soccer

The impact os positive reinforcement What did we do? We measured the emotions of attendees at the Copa de Andalucía de Selecciones de Fútbol Playa in El Viso de los …

Theater like never before

Festival de Teatro Clásico de Olmedo What did we do? For the first time, we measured emotions and audience attention during a theater festival, using AI and neuroscience at the …

The art of living

A 22 Grados Campaign for Hospitales Universitarios San Roque What did we do? We analyzed and studied the emotions of three real patients from Hospitales Universitarios San Roque to assess …

Mena’s move

The Artificial Intelligence and Holy Week. The emotions that the Christ of Mena awakens What did we do? We measured the emotions of the attendees at the transfer of the …