Emotions take the field

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Goli Neuromarketing measures for the first time the emotions expressed by attendees and players in a beach soccer competition

Emotions such as stress, euphoria, anger, and optimism were some of the emotions recorded on June 22 during the matches held at the Andalucía Beach Soccer Cup for Regional Teams in El Viso. Specifically, the matches monitored were in the Benjamín and Infantil categories, where the Málaga and Córdoba teams faced each other with a substantial audience at La Colada field. The goal was to analyze the behavior of the championship attendees using the Golineuro AI artificial intelligence platform.

Among the aspects monitored were the emotions of both players and the public, the attendee count, classification by age and gender, and eye tracking.

The most notable emotions among the players were stress —predominant during the match-, euphoria —when scoring a goal-, and anger —when conceding a goal-.

On the other hand, among the attendees, the predominant emotions were optimism, excitement, and fury, with the highest emotional activation among the spectators occurring during the last goal.

Positive reinforcement from the public affects the positive emotions of the players

Another notable aspect is positive reinforcement, or how the emotions projected onto a person or persons by another person or persons affect them. This aspect, measured by considering the moments when spectators reinforce the players (when they cheer them on), takes into account both the intensity of emotions among the public—the emotional activation of the stands—and the positive emotions expressed by the players at that moment, relating them.

In this case, it was confirmed that higher emotional activation in the stands correlates with higher intensity of positive emotions among the players.


How did we do it?

A total of four sensors were installed to cover the entire area. These special cameras do not record or store images; instead, the images are automatically converted into data by the Golineuro AI artificial intelligence platform algorithms.

Thanks to these algorithms, no storage or extraction of any data that could identify individuals or images is allowed, ensuring maximum privacy. The aspects measured included eye tracking of all people passing through the monitored area, emotion recognition of all individuals in the area, traceability and duration in the zone, counts, classification by gender and age, and special behaviors executed by visitors.

This is the first project carried out within the development of El Viso de los Pedroches (Córdoba) as a tourism innovation laboratory. This project, developed in collaboration with Smart City Cluster, was launched last February, and several companies have already expressed interest in testing their newly created projects and services. In fact, this laboratory is conceived as an ongoing project and remains open to all companies wishing to implement their innovative solutions in a real ecosystem.

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