First rule: Know your customer

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Or that should be, at least, one of the most important rules. Knowing the customer, what they buy, and how they do it is essential to position yourself in the market.

In this post, we talk about how technology can help analyze, evaluate, and predict consumer behavior when they are in a real environment. This way, companies can understand how their customers shop and improve their products, services, and shopping experience.

Goli Neuromarketing was born in the retail sector, as you already know, and we contributed to the studies conducted back then with technology that revolutionized (and continues to revolutionize) the way neuromarketing studies are carried out. This allows studies to be conducted in real environments with non-invasive tools for the shopper, eliminating biases and obtaining real and objective data.

Thanks to proprietary technology and the artificial intelligence platform, Golineuro AI, we can establish different customer profiles, their behaviors within the store, and conduct emotional analysis of the customer—let’s not forget the importance of emotions in the purchase process—and eye-tracking (with a margin of error less than 2mm).

We measure the real world like online

In the online world, everything can be measured: how many times a link is clicked, how long it takes to read an article, how many times a product is viewed, etc. Doing the same in the real world was very difficult and cumbersome… until we simplified it.

Thanks to Golineuro technology, we can define any behavior or action and measure it. For example, we can determine how customers read a product’s label, if they photograph and share it using their mobile devices, or if they check the product or price in other online stores.

We can define almost any indicator, turning the real world into one with metrics like the digital

In addition to this, we measure the following parameters:

  • Product or Surface: We perform analysis by store surfaces or by product.
  • Who They Are: Number of people by gender and age.
  • How They Shop: We determine if customers shop alone or in groups (e.g., family of X members, man and woman, woman and children, etc.).
  • How They Act: We analyze what the customer does when in front of the product, how they handle it, how they compare it with other competitors’ products, etc.
  • How They Feel: We perform an emotional analysis of the customer when in front of the product.
  • Time Spent and Behavior: We determine the time the customer spends in the store or in front of the product, as well as their movement flows and how they navigate the space.

And that’s just a part of it. If you want to know more about what we can do in retail, ask us.

Ir a Blog
Ir a Neuromarketing and more