Neuromarketing and more

All that interests us and what we work on at Goli Neuromarketing: neuroscience, technology, artificial intelligence… as you’ve never heard it before.

One among many

We arrive at the supermarket. We have our list of essentials. We position ourselves in front of the shelves and… which one do we choose? It’s a battle. Brands and …

From all angles

A few weeks ago, we shared the foundational principle of our artificial intelligence platform, Golineuro AI: computer vision. Today, we’ll delve a bit deeper into how the platform itself operates. …

For (un)fastening the belt

It’s a fantastic feeling. You go to a restaurant, savor the dishes, don’t say no to a good dessert, and when you’re done, you need to loosen your belt. But …

The body knows

We express emotions in many ways. It shows on our faces, and our body language can ‘betray’ us. But these aren’t the only indicators. Muscle contractions are also a very …

Not only on the face

They say that the face is the reflection of the soul. It’s true that there are people in whom every emotion leaves an unmistakable trace on their face (just ask …

Not everything is ChatGPT: Computer Vision

In recent months, there has been much talk about artificial intelligence. Some approach it with rejection, others with anticipation, and many with skepticism. While it is true that significant progress …