Don’t regret it

Ir a Blog
Ir a Neuromarketing and more

This isn’t the first time we’ve talked about her. Our friend dopamine, heavily responsible for love, also plays a significant role in purchasing decisions.

This neurotransmitter is key to decision-making and consumer motivation, as it’s closely tied to the reward system.

The reward system encourages us to repeat actions that bring us pleasure

The problem arises during times like these sale days, when we let ourselves get carried away by dopamine highs and fall into impulsive shopping. When we buy compulsively, the brain quickly releases dopamine, making us feel good and “inviting” us to keep shopping. This often leads us to purchase items we don’t need or spend more money than we had planned.

Discounts amplify this effect, as they are a powerful sales tool. Various studies show that the pleasure and reward areas of the buyer’s brain are intensely activated upon hearing words like “free” or “discount”.

The issue is that after the dopamine rush comes a crash, causing a kind of “hangover” and, in some cases, regret over these purchases. If you want to avoid this, plan your shopping and don’t let yourself get swept away by our dear friend dopamine… even if she makes you feel better for a moment.

Ir a Blog
Ir a Neuromarketing and more