Do you eat or enjoy?

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Ingredients, recipes, culinary techniques, practices, schedules, customs. Gastronomy goes beyond satisfying our appetite; it is part of our culture and evokes a range of sensations in people. 

A dish has the ability to transport us to another place, another time, awaken memories, or generate new emotions. And around a table, we experience all kinds of experiences. But can these emotions be measured?

“Discovering the world through gastronomy and dining out is the most common habit among Spaniards aged 25 to 55.”

Through neuroscientific technology, we can analyze a person’s emotional cycle during a gastronomic experience. 

The goal is to observe the changes that occur in brain activity when we taste a dish, allowing us to determine the well-being it generates and the evolution of the emotions experienced.

To accomplish this, devices for measuring brain activity and stomach movements that reveal gastric motility are used. In fact, an increase in gastric motility indicates a positive emotion such as happiness.

“There is a direct relationship between the brain and the gut, so emotional activation can have a significant impact on gastric motility.”

Because we all know that food evokes all kinds of sensations, but only through this approach can we obtain real data on the emotional impact it has on us.

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Ir a Neuromarketing and more