The body knows

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Ir a Neuromarketing and more

We express emotions in many ways. It shows on our faces, and our body language can ‘betray’ us. But these aren’t the only indicators. Muscle contractions are also a very useful indicator for identifying a person’s moods.

Emotions have a direct impact on muscular activity.

Therefore, by studying these physiological responses to different situations, we can gain an accurate picture of the generated emotions.

For example, in stressful situations, we experience momentary muscle tension, which, when translated into chronic stress, results in muscle pain and persistent stiffness. On the other hand, positive emotions lead to muscle relaxation, translating into a more relaxed body posture.

So far, so good. But how do we measure muscle tension?

This is where the electromyograph comes into play. It’s a tool used for assessing and recording the electrical activity of muscles, operating based on detecting signals generated by muscle cells.

Equipped with a series of electrodes placed on the skin, it captures the electrical signals emitted by muscles during the muscle contraction process. These signals are recorded in the form of graphical traces, commonly known as electromyograms, illustrating muscle activity over time.

This device is widely used in scientific and clinical environments, such as diagnosing neuromuscular and muscular disorders, monitoring muscle activity in rehabilitation or treatments, and in neuroscientific research.

And if we’re talking about it, it’s for a reason. Goli Neuromarketing has developed the first high-precision wireless electromyograph, the Golineuro Patch. It is a disposable, slim, and wireless patch that measures muscle tension, representing the first high-precision wireless electromyograph.

Ir a Blog
Ir a Neuromarketing and more