…And with good handwriting

Ir a Blog
Ir a Neuromarketing and more

Suddenly, we realized that we have been talking about neuromarketing quite easily without actually introducing it. We have been assuming that everyone who visits our blog is already familiar with what neuromarketing is. However, we may unknowingly be excluding those who come to this blog precisely to learn more about or initially approach this discipline. If that’s the case, we apologize.

“Neuromarketing is an evolution of marketing that complements, enhances, and evolves it to connect with consumers.”

So let’s start slowly… and with good handwriting.

What is neuromarketing?

It is the study of consumer buying behavior and decisions based on their neuronal activity. In other words, it uses advances in neuroscience to apply them to the world of marketing, allowing us to understand how we feel and what happens in our brains in certain circumstances that prompt us to make purchases. Thanks to this, we can understand and comprehend the attention consumers show to different stimuli.

Neuromarketing is, therefore, an evolution of marketing that complements, enhances, and evolves it to connect with consumers. Because if we know how a customer feels about a particular product, we can find new ways to reach them more quickly and effectively, create a more attractive and memorable image, and evoke emotions.

Ir a Blog
Ir a Neuromarketing and more