
What you need to know about neuromarketing, associated technology, and artificial intelligence all in one blog where you’ll also find all the latest news from Goli Neuromarketing.

That which you feel

We measure emotions. We can’t stress it enough: emotions are at the core of a person, driving all their actions, which is why we must take them into account. But …

One among many

We arrive at the supermarket. We have our list of essentials. We position ourselves in front of the shelves and… which one do we choose? It’s a battle. Brands and …

Ep.- 11 Communication and commitment

She values involvement and commitment, and believes in the power of communication and the need for a great team. This month, she joins José Ruiz From the rooftop to chat …

From all angles

A few weeks ago, we shared the foundational principle of our artificial intelligence platform, Golineuro AI: computer vision. Today, we’ll delve a bit deeper into how the platform itself operates. …

For (un)fastening the belt

It’s a fantastic feeling. You go to a restaurant, savor the dishes, don’t say no to a good dessert, and when you’re done, you need to loosen your belt. But …

Ep.- 10 Neuromarketing and research

She arrived in neuromarketing in search of the truth and found a way to uncover it. This time, Pilar Navarro, a neuromarketing specialist and a passionate researcher, joins us on …