
What you need to know about neuromarketing, associated technology, and artificial intelligence all in one blog where you’ll also find all the latest news from Goli Neuromarketing.

Neuroscience and architecture serving education

When we think of a classroom in a school or educational institution, the image that comes to mind is often the same: rows of desks and chairs for students arranged …

Interest and pride, emotions in Olmedo

In a pioneering project, Goli Neuromarketing analyzed the emotions of the spectators during the performances that took place at the Palacio del Caballero de Olmedo courtyard. Málaga, August 7, 2023 …

Feeling at home

A house, an office, a store— they are much more than just physical spaces. They are environments where people live, work, or engage in various activities, and their design affects …

…And with good handwriting

Suddenly, we realized that we have been talking about neuromarketing quite easily without actually introducing it. We have been assuming that everyone who visits our blog is already familiar with …

We measure emotions at the Festival Clásico Olmedo

Neuroscientific technology and artificial intelligence used to measure, for the first time, the emotions of the audience at a theater festival Olmedo, July 21, 2023 The Olmedo Clásico Festival is one …


More than ever, we climb to the rooftop where our brain resides and talk about it with a person who is taking historic steps in its study: Dr. Jesús Martín-Fernández. …