
What you need to know about neuromarketing, associated technology, and artificial intelligence all in one blog where you’ll also find all the latest news from Goli Neuromarketing.

As you remember it

You’ve probably said, “It was like that, I remember it perfectly.” And you hold onto that certainty as if it were a dogma. But no, it probably wasn’t like that. …


Salima Sánchez, a psychologist and specialist in neurocopywriting, guides us into the world of copywriting and persuasive writing. How to capture attention with online text? How do brands work and …

Under the Christmas Tree

We are on the brink of Christmas. If you’ve been proactive, your house is probably filled with packages hidden in attics and various nooks, waiting to be delivered on the …

What you don’t know, and can find out, about your event

Organizing events such as forums or congresses is a challenging task that generally requires a lot of time. To do so, a team of people is needed who are committed …

Incertidumbre. s.f.

Lack of certainty, causing doubt or indecision in things. This is how the Dictionary of Authorities of the RAE defines uncertainty. Stressed, irritated, overwhelmed, or even angry. This is how …

Ep.- 06 Neuroarchitecture

We went up to the rooftop with architects Alba Méndez and Ana Mombiedro to talk about neuroarchitecture and how through space design, one can contribute to improving people’s health. We …